WiseSpot focuses on communication technologies and efficiency solutions, which are the key elements to help operators and enterprises optimize their network resources, streamline business & operation support systems and improve quality of experience for their customers.

Intense competition is another crucial factor that puts pressure on communication service providers to create more innovative data services with quick time-to-market. Investments in additional bandwidth capacity will inevitably incur major capital expenditure (CAPEX) investment and installation time. Hence, telcos often find themselves facing the challenge of how to optimize the allocation of available bandwidth resources for new services without sacrificing their subscribers’ current level of user experience.

Telecom Application System

VoIP Application Server (AS)
Messaging Application Server (AS)
IMS Application Server (AS)

Network Intelligence Technology

Bandwidth & Policy Management
Big Data Analysis

Network Intelligence Enabler

CEM / Performance Monitoring

WiseSpot Telecom Solution Suite

  • Optimize the deployment and utilization of expensive network resources while maintaining quality customer usage experience
  • Facilitate timely retrieval, manipulation and analyses of enormous amount of network data for proactive network management, resources allocation and customer experience management
  • Enable quick-turnaround development of market-leading, revenue-generating services that are accessible by any popular device, network independent and created from best-of-breed technologies
  • Streamline and simplify operations and support workflow to meet customers' expectations more effectively



Deep Packet Inspection & Policy Management (DPI & PM)

WiseBOSS / xRM

4G Aggregation Network Monitoring (ANM) Switch

Video Optimization

SIP Application Server

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